• THE MUNICIPALITY OF KANAL OB SOČI: Avče water filtration
  • JP KOMUNALA SLOVENJ GRADEC: Construction of the water supply system in the Mislinja Valley, Suhi Dol drinking water treatment facility
  • ŠOŠTANJ THERMAL POWER PLANT: Automatic hourly control of water with optimisation of use (DEKA 3 facility)
  • THE MUNICIPALITY OF POLJČANE: drawing up of project documentation for the Poljčane waste water treatment plant
  • ELEKTRO CELJE: Project documentation and designer supervision of the Vojnik substation
  • GORENJE: Measurements on machines
  • BRESTANICA THERMAL POWER PLANT: Construction of new gas turbines for the Brestanica Thermal Power Plant
  • GORENJE: Extension of the Gorenje Marles 4 distribution substation and cable conduit for the Serioplast distribution substation
  • KOMUNALA NOVO MESTO: Temporary repair of the Dolenjske Toplice waste water treatment plant
  • ELES: Supply and installation of internal load devices for the switchyard of the 110 kV Plave substation
  • ELEKTRO MARIBOR: Drawing up of project documentation for the 110/20 kV Dobrava substation
  • SAVSKE ELEKTRARNE LJUBLJANA: Replacement of seals and renewal of corrosion protection of sluice 5 in the Vrhovo Hydro Power Plant
  • PETROL ENERGETIKA: Overhaul of SIIIa pumping station
  • PLOMIN THERMAL POWER PLANT: Reconstruction of sedimentation tank
  • KOMUNALNO PODJETJE VELENJE: Modernisation of the internal heat exchange station ITP 340-5
  • THE MUNICIPALITY OF KANAL OB SOČI: The Ložice drinking water treatment facility
  • KORONA: The Podselo dam, reconstruction of the associated electrical equipment
  • SIJ METAL RAVNE: New distribution substation for electrical and mechanical installations for a new continuous furnace for thermal treatment in the re-rolling mill
  • THE ISTRIAN WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: Drawing up of the project documentation for the reconstruction of the Sv. Ivan distribution substation
  • SIJ METAL RAVNE: Drawing up of the project documentation for the reconstruction of a medium-voltage switchboard of the Mehanična Delavnica distribution substation and construction of a new distribution substation
  • HESS: Establishing remote posts of upstream hydro power plants at the Brežice Hydro Power Plant
  • PETROL ENERGETIKA: Overhaul of the low-voltage and medium-voltage equipment of CTP IV. Phase for the Livarna distribution substation
  • ELEKTROPRIVREDA ČRNE GORE AD NIKŠIĆ: Preliminary design for the Pljevlja Thermal Power Plant
  • HENKEL MARIBOR: Industrial waste water treatment plant
  • ELES: The Podlog substation, Construction and supply of cabinets for secondary equipment cabinets, internal load and measurement voltage and electrical installation works
  • SIJ ACRONI: AOD converter
  • SIJ ACRONI: Distribution substations LTO and WTP
  • SIJ RAVNE SYSTEM: Migration of machines
  • SIJ ACRONI: Technological installations on the heat-treatment line (HTL)
  • THE MUNICIPALITY OF ILIRSKA BISTRICA: Construction of the central kindergarten in Ilirska Bistrica – phase 3
  • THE MUNICIPALITY OF MOZIRJE: Construction of a waste water treatment plant with a capacity of 6,000 PE.
  • GORENJE: Electrical measurements on machines and installations
  • KOMUNALA NOVO MESTO: Hydraulic improvement of the water distribution system in the central Dolenjska, lot 2 – drinking water treatment facilities Jezero and Stopiče
  • KOMUNALNO PODJETJE VELENJE: Connection to the heating supply system for the Šoštanj industrial zone
  • THE MUNICIPALITY OF PLJEVLJA: DOLB Pljevlja project for district heating on biomass
  • DRAVSKE ELEKTRARNE MARIBOR: Equipment and installation for a 110kV switchyard of the Fala Hydro Power Plant
  • KOMUNALNO PODJETJE VELENJE: Technological overhaul of the heat exchange sub-station TPP 469 Lokovica
  • THE MUNICIPALITY OF KANAL OB SOČI: The Deskle drinking water preparation facility
  • THE CITY MUNICIPALITY OF VELENJE: Construction of ski jumping hills K55 and K35
  • PETROL ENERGETIKA: Overhaul of the low-voltage and medium-voltage equipment for CTP, phase 3
  • ELES: Replacement of protection of 110kV busbars in the Maribor substation
  • KOMRAD: The Voćin drinking water preparation facility
  • VELENJE COAL MINE: Supply, installation and launch of remote control in the NOP 20/6kV substation
  • THE CITY MUNICIPALITY OF MARIBOR Construction of the heating supply system in Prežihova and Gregorčičeva streets
  • METAL RAVNE: Reconstruction of the UHL distribution substation
  • KOMUNALNO PODJETJE VELENJE: Technological overhaul of the heating supply system in Koželjskega street in Velenje
  • ELEKTRO CELJE: Electrical installation works on the substations Slovenj Gradec, Vuzenica, Brežice and Rogaška Slatina
  • ACRONI: Modifications on a part of the Wellman-Drever line
  • ELEKTRO GORENJSKA: Supply and installation of 110kV cable for the 110 + 20kV power line between the substations Železniki and Bohinj
  • LITOSTROJ POWER: Installation of turbine equipment and auxiliary systems for new construction in the Brežice Hydro Power Plant
  • KONČAR: Installation of generator equipment and auxiliary systems for new construction in the Brežice Hydro Power Plant
  • THE MUNICIPALITY OF GRAD: Drinking water supply of the Pomurje region – System C
  • THE MUNICIPALITY OF KRŠKO: Pumping station in the old part of Krško
  • ACRONI: Line for acid-free pumping station HVB (SSAP)
  • THE MUNICIPALITY OF ŠENTJUR Drinking water supply in the Sotla Basin – Hydraulic improvement and extension of the water distribution system in the Municipality of Šentjur
  • THE MUNICIPALITY OF LJUTOMER: Drinking water supply of the Pomurje region – System C – lot 2
  • ELES: Construction works and construction, supply and installation of steel structures for the 110kV overhead power line Gorica- Ajdovščina
  • THE MUNICIPALITY OF JESENICE: Construction of the sewage system and upgrade and reconstruction of the central waste water treatment plant in the Municipality of Jesenice – the construction of tertiary level waste water treatment at the Jesenice central waste water treatment plant
  • ELES: Overhaul of the control and operating building of the 400/110kV Okroglo substation
  • THE CITY MUNICIPALITY OF VELENJE: Reconstruction of the Standard business centre
  • KOMUNALNO PODJETJE VELENJE: Technological overhaul of the heating supply system in the squares Prešernov trg, Trg svobode and Trg bratov Mravljakov in Šoštanj, supplied from the heat exchange station 316 Mercator Šoštanj, phase 2
  • SMS MEVAC: Boiler room of SMS Mevac / Metal Ravne
  • METAL RAVNE: Plomba project – relocation of energy sources
  • METAL RAVNE: Reconstruction of the cooling system of the UHP muffle furnace
  • GORENJE: Replacement of equipment in TP2-PSA2
  • KOMUNALNO PODJETJE VELENJE: Technological overhaul of the heat exchanges stations 068 and 068A
  • SAVSKE ELEKTRARNE: Replacement of seals and renewal of corrosion protection of sluice 3 in the Vrhovo Hydro Power Plant
  • THE MUNICIPALITY OF LJUBNO: The Savina Ski Jumping Centre – reconstruction of ski jumping hill K85
  • DRAVSKE ELEKTRARNE MARIBOR: Overhaul of generator 2 in the Melje Mini Hydro Power Plant
  • DRAVSKE ELEKTRARNE MARIBOR: Replacement of turbine trash racks on generator 3 in the Vuzenica Hydro Power Plant
  • METAL RAVNE: Reconstruction of the UHP distribution substation
  • ŠOŠTANJ THERMAL POWER PLANT: Supply of the flue-gas desulfurisation device of generator 6
  • ELEKTRO CELJE: The Žalec substation
  • THE MUNICIPALITIES OF MAKOLE AND POLJČANE: Drinking water supply in the Dravinja river basin – lot 3
  • KOMUNALNO PODJETJE SLOVENJ GRADEC: Repair of the boiler room of the Mislinja Primary School
  • NIKOLA TESLA THERMAL POWER PLANT, OBRENOVAC: Construction and launch of a new waste water treatment plant for the Nikola Tesla A Thermal Power Plant in Obrenovac, Serbia
  • THE MUNICIPALITY OF ŠMARJE PRI JELŠAH: Sewage system with the Mestinje waste water treatment plant
  • THE MUNICIPALITY OF ŠOŠTANJ: Construction of the Šoštanj kindergarten
  • ELES/ELEKTRO MARIBOR: 110/20kV substation Podvelka – secondary
  • ELES: Supply of secondary equipment and internal load cabinets, installation works in the Podlog substation
  • THE MUNICIPALITY OF ŠENTJUR Drinking water supply in the Sotla Basin – Hydraulic improvement and extension of the water distribution system in the Municipality of Šentjur
  • THE MUNICIPALITY OF GRAD: Drinking water supply of the Pomurje region – System B – lot 1
  • ŠOŠTANJ THERMAL POWER PLANT: Electrical installation works and installation of equipment for 400 kV GIS switchyard of generator 6
  • METAL RAVNE: Drawing up of the project documentation for the technical plant of the new vacuum ladle furnace VPP2
  • ELES: Construction and electrical installation works on the 2×110 kV power line Krško – Hudo
  • ACRONI: Construction, supply and installation of Leaching Bath 1
  • PETROL ENERGETIKA: Reconstruction of the 50.4kV distribution substation Kotlarna, phase 1
  • METAL RAVNE: Distribution substation UHP and distribution substation Nova Jeklarna
  • METAL RAVNE: New vacuum ladle furnace VPP 2, mechanical and electrical installations
  • ELEKTRO CELJE: Electrical installation works and earthmoving works to repair the damage done by the 2014 ice storm – 20kV power line Lokovica
  • THE MUNICIPALITY OF KRŠKO: Pumping station for the flood protection of the old part of Krško
  • CINKARNA CELJE: Repair of the air drying tower
  • SMS INNSE: VOD and LF devices in Metal Ravne
  • KOMUNALNO PODJETJE SLOVENJ GRADEC: Repair of the boiler room of Mislinja Primary School
  • THE MUNICIPALITY OF VITANJE: Energy efficiency improvement of the boiler room of Vitanje Primary School
  • ŠOŠTANJ THERMAL POWER PLANT: Supply of the flue-gas desulfurisation device
  • THE CITY MUNICIPALITY OF VELENJE: Comprehensive water supply in the Šalek Valley
  • DRAVSKE ELEKTRARNE MARIBOR: Renovation of sluice gate 1 at the Dravograd Hydro Power Plant
  • DRAVSKE ELEKTRARNE MARIBOR: Supply and installation of equipment at 110kV switchyard of the Formin Hydro Power Plant
  • ŠOŠTANJ THERMAL POWER PLANT: Preparation of water
  • ŠOŠTANJ THERMAL POWER PLANT: Ammonia water of generator 6
  • SIEMENS: Supply and installation of equipment for 400 kV GIS switchgears for generator 6 of the Šoštanj Thermal Power Plant
  • LITOSTROJ POWER: Reconstruction of the Weinzodl Hydro Power Plant
  • DRAVSKE ELEKTRARNE MARIBOR: Overhaul of the mechanical equipment of sluice gates 1 and 3 at the Vuzenica Hydro Power Plant
  • ELES: 110/20kV substation Ilirska Bistrica
  • DRAVSKE ELEKTRARNE MARIBOR: Extension of the cooling system on generator 2 of the Zlatoličje Hydro Power Plant
  • SOŠKE ELEKTRARNE NOVA GORICA: Overhaul of the Doblar Hydro Power Plant
  • COLT INTERNATIONAL: Construction and installation of a heating system
  • ACRONI: Industrial waste water treatment plant
  • JKPV VODOVOD: Drawing up of the preliminary design for preparation of water – softening of water for the “Sremska Mitrovica” water distribution system
  • VOJNIK PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL: Drawing up of the project documentation, acquisition of building permit and construction and craft works for the underground connecting corridor and construction of a new distribution substation
  • ŠOŠTANJ THERMAL POWER PLANT: Construction installations of generator 6
  • TOPOLŠICA HOSPITAL: Energy efficiency improvement works on the buildings of Topolšica Hospital
  • ŠOŠTANJ THERMAL POWER PLANT: Supply of the flue-gas desulfurisation device of generator 6
  • DRAVSKE ELEKTRARNE MARIBOR: Overhaul of drive mechanisms for sluice gates 3 and 4 of the Fala Hydro Power Plant
  • SIEMENS: Disassembly and assembly of gas insulated busbars for the Gorica substation
  • LITOSTROJ POWER: Construction of the Krško Hydro Power Plant
  • RUDIS/GORENJE: Reconstruction of the Doblar 1 Hydro Power Plant – LOT EE
  • RIKO: Installation of generator equipment – Sveta Petka – Macedonia
  • ELEKTROPRIVREDA REPUBLIKE SRPSKE: Reconstruction of the cooling system in the Bočac Hydro Power Plant
  • METAL RAVNE: Construction of the EPŽ III distribution substation
  • ACRONI: Modernisation of the Blooming mill – mechanical-technological installation, electrical-technological installation
  • THE MUNICIPALITY OF ILIRSKA BISTRICA: Heating supply for the Tone Tomšič Primary School, Knežak
  • THE MUNICIPALITY OF ILIRSKA BISTRICA: Heating supply for the Dragotin Kette Primary School in Ilirska Bistrica
  • VOLTAIKA: Designing, supply, assembly and setting up the 49 kWp solar plant
  • METAL RAVNE: Reconstruction of medium-voltage switchboards in the Valjarna III distribution substation
  • ACRONI: Reconstruction of the Javornik substation and the TP3 Javornik distribution substation
  • ŠOŠTANJ THERMAL POWER PLANT: Electrical installations in the southern staircase of generator 6
  • ACRONI: Distribution substation TP KT3
  • VODOVOD-KANALIZACIJA: Replacement facility for preparation of drinking water – the Frankolovo drinking water treatment facility – technological equipment – phase 2
  • KOMUNALNO PODJETJE VELENJE: Phase 3 of the reconstruction of the central heat exchange station – 110MW pumping station
  • ACRONI: Leaching Bath 3 – construction works, supply, installation and launch of equipment and drawing up of project documentation
  • KOMUNALNO PODJETJE VELENJE: Phase 3 of the reconstruction of the central heat exchange station – 110 MW pumping station
  • KONČAR: Repair of generator 1 of the Boštanj Hydro Power Plant
  • ACRONI: Supply and laying of 35kV cable conduit between the Jeklarna and Bela substations, and construction of two 35kV cells
  • METAL RAVNE: Construction of the new Metal Nova Jeklarna distribution substation
  • ŠOŠTANJ THERMAL POWER PLANT: Repair of flue gas channels recirculation of flue gases and fresh air channels of generator 5
  • ŠOŠTANJ THERMAL POWER PLANT: Revision of air heaters on sides A and B of generator 5
  • MPI-RECIKLAŽA: Replacement of the existing reactor of the FGD device
  • ALSTOM: Supply and prefabrication of embedded pieces for Steam Turbine Hall – construction of anchor plates
  • EUROCITY: The Eurocity photovoltaic power station
  • ŠOŠTANJ THERMAL POWER PLANT: Maintenance works on the REMONT energy systems
  • JP ENERGETIKA LJUBLJANA: Construction of a central cooling engine room for the Stožice Sports Park
  • ELEKTROPRIVREDA REPUBLIKE SRPSKE: Reconstruction of the waste water treatment system in the Ugljevik Thermal Power Plant
  • METAL RAVNE: The EPŽ III distribution substation
  • MPI RECIKLAŽA: Development of devices and procedures for the elimination of organic carbon from industrial flue gases
  • LITOSTROJ: Overhaul of generator 1 in the Boštanj Hydro Power Plant
  • RTV Slovenija: Replacement of electric power generator for the Krvavec transmitter centre and the Trdinov Vrh automatic transmitter centre
  • METAL RAVNE: New production hall for the electro-slag remelting device
  • ELEKTRO CELJE: Construction and supply of cabinets for control, protection and internal load for the Velenje substation and the Slovenj Gradec substation
  • KPV: Expansion of the district heating system in the Lokovica local community
  • SOENERGETIKA: Biler room Planina Kranj – installation of cogeneration units 1 and 2
  • ŠOŠTANJ THERMAL POWER PLANT: Replacement of a generator in the Šoštanj Thermal Power Plant
  • ACRONI: Supply of 35 kV cable conduit from the Jeklarna substation to the Bela substation
  • MAP TRADE: The central waste water treatment plant Domžale – Kamnik
  • ACRONI: The Blooming distribution substation
  • GORENJE NO: Implementation of works for ATM2 dryer
  • MPI RECIKLAŽA: Supply and installation of a low-voltage switchboard, low-voltage compensation for distribution substation
  • EL-TEC MULEJ: Construction and mechanical works on the heating system in the area of the Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business
  • KOTO: Extension of the KOTO biogas unit
  • SGP ZASAVJE TRBOVLJE: Electrical and mechanical installations for reconstruction of the cooling system
  • RUDIS: Electrical installation works for the Toplarna Hrastnik cogeneration plant
  • ELEKTRO SLOVENIJA: Construction and supply of cabinets for secondary equipment, internal load and measurement voltage and electrical installation works, the Laško substation
  • DRAVSKE ELEKTRARNE MARIBOR: Disassembly, supply and installation of equipment of 110 kV switchyard at the Dravograd Hydro Power Plant
  • JP ENERGETIKA LJUBLJANA: Mechanical installation works by sets
  • MPI – RECIKLAŽA: Replacement of flue gas conduit connections between the dust catcher and the FGD device
  • KONČAR: Repair of generator 3 of the Boštanj Hydro Power Plant
  • RADEČE PAPIR: Repair of TP Radeče distribution substation
  • GORENJE NOTRANJA OPREMA (GNO): Providing power supply in the area of GNO and Marles
  • PETROL ENERGETIKA: Energy supply of the KOVIS Livarna company Cylinders-plant MO
  • SUROVINA: Reconstruction of the TGO facility for processing non-hazardous waste into solid fuel
  • ŠOŠTANJ THERMAL POWER PLANT: Safety cell and telecommunications hub in the Šoštanj Thermal Power Plant
  • LAFARGE CEMENT: Reconstruction of the cooling system
  • TE-TOL THERMAL POWER PLANT: Replacement of exterior lighting for coal storage
  • ELEKTRO PRIMORSKA: Supply and installation of equipment and materials during the replacement of the TR1 transformer in the Vrtojba substation
  • MPI RECIKLAŽA: Replacement of the exit pipe on the FGD device
  • ALSTOM: Pre-installation of stators, rotors and generators for the Krško Hydro Power Plant
  • HRASTNIK DISTRICT HEATING PLANT: Cogeneration of heating and electricity (SPTE 2)
  • THE CITY MUNICIPALITY OF VELENJE: Optimisation of functioning of air conditioning in the Velenje Music School
  • JP ELEKTROPRIVREDA: Reconstruction of installation for internal transport of slag at generator 4 of the Tuzla Thermal Power Plant
  • GORENJE TIKI: Expansion of water heater production in Stara Pazova
  • EL – TEC MULEJ: Maribor Student Campus heating supply system project
    The Esotech photovoltaic power station
  • ACRONI: Supply and installation of mechanical installations on the plate transport (TDP) project
  • ELEKTRO LJUBLJANA: Electrical installation works and supply of small equipment for the 110/20 kV Litostroj substation
  • Elektro – Slovenija: Construction and electrical installation works for 400 kV switchgear of the Podlog substation
  • Acroni – Electrical installation works, project 353 – plate transport
  • The City Municipality of Maribor – the heating supply system Koroški Most
  • Elektro – Slovenija: Electrical installation works with technological grounding for the project: 110kV substation in GIS version in the Moste Hydro Power Plant
  • Gorenje d.d. The Avče pumped storage plant, electrical installation equipment, set B
  • JP Elektroprivreda BiH – Drawing up of the preliminary design, environmental impact study and investment programme for the construction of the new generator 7 in the Tuzla Thermal Power Plant
  • The Municipality of Šoštanj – Construction of the recreational and cultural centre Ravne near Šoštanj
  • Acroni – re-installation of the system for continuous pouring of steel semi-finished products
  • Alstom – Assembly of generator stators in Esotech for the Krško Hydro Power Plant
  • Elektro-Slovenija – Electrical installation works in the overhaul of the switchgear in the Maribor substation
  • Luka Koper – Distribution substation S1 Sežana in the area of the Terminal in Sežana
  • Acroni – Reconstruction of distribution substations TP 3 Javornik, TP 4 and TP 6
  • Acroni – Cooling of the open and closed system for continuous pouring
  • Maintenance of energy devices, devices for transport of ash and slag and pressure parts of energy systems in the Šoštanj Thermal Power Plant
  • Testing of absorption of TOC and HOS from flue gases in drum furnaces; preliminary design for modernisation of the process of flue gas cleaning in MPI Reciklaža
  • Projects in Minerva Žalec
  • JP Elektroprivreda BiH: Transport of slag and ash in the Tuzla Thermal Power Plant
  • Metal Ravne – Electrical and mechanical installation works as part of the project to expand the foundry in Steel Plant II
  • Savske elektrarne – Overhaul of the Moste Hydro Power Plant
  • Designing and implementation of the project – Remote cooling in the City Municipality of Velenje and nearby facilities
  • Dravske elektrarne Maribor – Executive engineering – Assembly, disassembly and construction work at the Zlatoličje Hydro Power Plant and the Melje Dam
  • Toplotna oskrba Maribor – Reconstruction of chemical preparation of water
  • Industrial waste water treatment plant in Droga Kolinska
  • Koto – Construction of a biogas production plant – Koto
  • Acroni – the biggest industrial waste water treatment plant for the mill scale pits Blooming and Steckel in Slovenia and a sludge processing facility
  • Recirculation of flue gas channels on generator 5 in the Šoštanj Thermal Power Plant
  • Acroni – the 110/35 kV Jeklarna distribution substation, phase 2
  • Metal Ravne – Distribution substation Valjarna III and participation in the construction of a heavy forgings plant
  • Komunalno podjetje Velenje – Central power station
  • W&P PROFIL – primary crushing and transport of silicon alloys
  • VIRO – project documentation for loading of sugar into freight wagons
  • Award of the Republic of Slovenia to the only finalist for business excellence in the private sector
  • Slovenian Ecological Day in Belgrade
  • Building a culture of international marketing
  • International conference of the Technological Platform for Waters
  • Opening of Esotech Solutions in Belgrade
  • Reconstruction of the FGD device in Mežica
  • Construction of a steam boiler in the Šiška Heating Plant
  • Javor Pivka industrial waste water treatment plant
  • Electrical technological installations Gorenje Valjevo
  • Visit by the ministers of the environment, finance and foreign affairs to the company
  • Organising an international conference Economy and Environment with participants from Asia
  • Organising the conference Technological Platforms for Waters in Bele Vode
  • Acquiring the certificate OHSAS 18001
  • Projects in the field of hydro power Vuhred and Ožbalt on the Drava River, and Boštanj on the Sava River
  • Toplarna Maribor – first cogeneration
  • Acroni – closed conduit circuit
  • Tuzla Thermal Power Plant – designing of the plant for handling of slag and ash – preliminary design
  • Promotion of reference technologies on target markets
  • Establishment of the business association “Slovenian Ecological Cluster”
  • Golden award for an innovation in thermal use of waste
  • The 20 keys project
  • Publication of the book People and Esotech
  • Celebration of the 50th anniversary of operation
  • ISO 14 000
  • Contract on long-term cooperation with the Chemistry Institute
  • European welding certificate
  • Registration of the research group at the Ministry of Science and Technology
  • Opening of the Development Centre and Educational and Presentation Centre Esotech 2000
  • Purchase of an ownership stake from the state-owned funds
  • First joint project with the Jožef Stefan Institute in the field of ecology
  • Change of name and legal form into Esotech d.d.
  • ISO 9001
  • First contractors of energy projects on the domestic market
  • Status, ownership and programme restructuring
  • Independence of Slovenia and the start of a transition for the company
  • Organisational changes
1989 – 1952
  • Development, designing and production of mining and transport equipment

Establishment of the company Elektrostrojna Oprema